Nick Cannon spent all night traveling like Santa Claus to visit all of his 11 children on Christmas Day

Cannon is known for his busy schedule and dedication to his family, and it seems that he made sure to make time for each of his children on the holiday.

Cannon's fans and followers were quick to show their support and appreciation for his dedication to his family

It's clear that Cannon values his role as a father and works hard to ensure that his children feel loved and supported.

His Christmas Eve journey to visit all of his kids is just one example of the lengths he is willing to go to in order to be there for his family.

Next slides show how social media reacted to Nick Cannon

Just buy land in one state and build them all separate houses on it at this point.

Why not arrange to fly all the kids out to himself a week ahead of time. And the BEST part is the kids would’ve had ample time to meet each other and play together. The way he did it sounds exhausting and stressful.

All the baby mothers and kids meet up at a contract centre so he don’t stress himself out to travel the country to see all his kids

this only tells me that the children don’t see one another…😢😢😢😢 bcuz why not have them all together in one house ???🤷🏽‍♀️